Upload Files Storage & Sharing

File sharing made simple. It's free, fast, and secure.

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How it Works

Upload Your Files

Upload whatever you like.

Share Download Link

Share your link on your instagram, telegram, facebook, youtube....etc

Downloading Files

Click on the shared file link provided.


Answer: Yes, most file-sharing websites allow you to set permissions. You can often choose options like "anyone with the link", "password-protected," or limit access to specific individuals.

Answer: Many file-sharing websites offer a free basic plan with limited storage and features. Premium plans with more storage, advanced features, and longer file storage periods are usually available for a monthly or annual fee.

Answer: Most file-sharing websites support a wide range of file types, including documents (Word, PDF), images, videos, audio files, and more.

Answer: File storage limits vary between websites and account types. On free plans, files may be deleted after a short period of time. Premium plans often provide longer or even unlimited storage durations.

Upload Files

Drag and drop your files or click here to upload

You can also browse files from your device

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